World’s Largest Craft Brewer to Make All Employees Carbon Negative


(Credit: BrewDog)

BrewDog, the world’s largest craft brewer, recently announced that it is the first employer in the world to ensure that all employees are carbon negative.

BrewDog has introduced an employee perk that allows all staff members to calculate their personal carbon footprint using the mobile app, Pawprint. BrewDog will then remove twice as much carbon from the air each year as the team member is responsible for. Brewdog says it will be able to double offset employees’ carbon footprints immediately with the help of the current carbon removal projects its funding and eventually with the BrewDog Forest, a 2,050 acre site in Scotland where the brewer will plant trees as a means to remove carbon from the air.

Soon, all employees will be able to start calculating their carbon footprints via the Pawprint app. Employees will enter information about their lifestyle, including utilities, travel, food consumption, and more, to calculate their carbon footprint. Once all employees submit their information, BrewDog will then calculate the total footprint of its 2,000 employees and begin double offsetting it immediately by supporting the gold-standard carbon offset programs approved by its carbon consultant, Mike Berners-Lee.

In August, Energy + Environmental Leader wrote about BrewDog becoming carbon negative. At that time, the brewer announced that it would remove twice as much carbon from the air than it emits every year. These moves make BrewDog the first carbon-negative international beer brand in the world, as it sets out to fight climate change and have a positive impact on the planet.

Environment + Energy Leader