Unlocking Forests: Carbon Reduction, Ecosystem Restoration, and Jobs Creation


At the forefront of effective and scalable GHG-removal strategies lies the vast potential of reforestation and afforestation. Often referred to as "natural climate solutions," or NCS, these initiatives harness the transformative power of photosynthesis and soil carbon sequestration to extract atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Despite their promise to address multiple challenges – from climate change to biodiversity loss and unemployment – forestry-based NCS projects have yet to realize their full potential. Hindered by a complex interplay of ecological, social, and financial constraints, these projects often fall short of expectations. A recent collaboration between researchers at Imperial College London and the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change aims to uncover the barriers and opportunities surrounding forestry-based NCS projects.

Understanding Perceptions: Unraveling the Challenges

The team's comprehensive analysis, published in the journal Frontiers in Climate, pinpointed two primary factors that hinder the efficacy of forestry-based NCS projects.

  1. Risk Perception and Project Ambition

  • Funders' perceptions of overall risk act as a significant constraint on the ambition levels of NCS projects. Operational risk, political uncertainty, and concerns about reputation management influence the scale and scope of these initiatives. Moreover, funders seeking returns on investment raise questions about the reliability of monitoring, reporting, and verification methods used to quantify project performance metrics.

  1. Empowerment of Local Communities

  • The realization of environmental and social benefits hinges on empowering local communities involved in these projects. However, establishing incentives and mechanisms for community engagement presents legal and financial challenges.

Guiding Recommendations for a Resilient Future

Drawing insights from extensive surveys and consultations, the research team formulated strategic recommendations to overcome the hurdles facing forestry-based NCS projects.

Funders should assess projects based on strong internal governance, government support, secure land tenure, tangible benefits for local communities, and inclusive participation across socioeconomic strata.

Strengthening the credibility and verifiability of emissions reductions and related co-benefits enhances the accountability and legitimacy of NCS projects.

Open communication and equitable sharing of costs and benefits among stakeholders – including funders, implementers, and beneficiaries – create a conducive environment for successful NCS projects.

Stepping Towards a Transformed Future

Sergey Paltsev, deputy director of the MIT Joint Program and co-author of the study, emphasizes the need for comprehensive approaches that merge emissions mitigation with natural ecosystem restoration. Guided by these recommendations, the scaling-up of NCS activities from isolated projects to nationwide endeavors holds the promise of ushering in a new era of emissions reduction and environmental rejuvenation.

In the words of study lead author Bonnie Waring, senior lecturer at the Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London, "When executed thoughtfully, nature climate solution projects possess the potential to facilitate sustainable development and empower local communities."

Overall, these insights could provide a roadmap for unlocking the true power of forests to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and generate meaningful employment opportunities.

Environment + Energy Leader