L’Occitane Group Taps Loop Industries for 100% Recycled PET


L’Occitane Group (Photo Credit: SimonQ, Flickr Creative Commons)[/caption]

L’Occitane Group signed a multi-year agreement with Loop Industries for Loop branded 100% sustainable PET plastic. The global manufacturer and retailer of natural cosmetics and well-being products plans to start incorporating the plastic into L’Occitane en Provence packaging.

Currently L’Occitane Group has more than 3,000 retail outlets, including 1,555 owned stores, globally. Its five brands are L’Occitane en Provence, Melvita, Erborian, L’Occitane au Brésil, and LimeLife by Alcone.

Loop Industries has patented and proprietary technology that decouples plastic from fossil fuels by depolymerizing waste polyester plastic and fiber to its base building blocks — monomers. The company says that these monomers are then filtered, purified, and repolymerized to create virgin-quality polyester plastic for food-grade packaging.

The new agreement between L’Occitane Group and Loop Industries represents an important milestone in their shared commitment to reducing global plastic pollution and supporting the transition to a circular plastic economy, the companies said.

By incorporating Loop branded PET into its packaging, L’Occitane en Provence will achieve its goal of using 100% recycled plastic in its bottles by 2025, according to the brand.

“We have been launching eco-refill products, in-store recycling and bottles made out of 100% recycled plastic for more than 10 years and are continuing to progress on this,” said Adrien Geiger, global brand director at L’Occitane en Provence. “The innovative technology that Loop provides is a game-changer that can help us fundamentally contribute to solving the growing global concern about plastic pollution.”

L’Occitane Group uses the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as a framework to address environmental challenges and work on reducing plastic pollution. As part of the SDGs, the manufacturer has signed the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment.

Loop Industries previously signed agreements with companies that include PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Danone, and Thyssenkrupp.

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