Extremely Active Hurricane Forecast Highlights the Importance of Resilient Solar Power


Forecasters at Colorado State University have issued a dire prediction for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season: it is expected to be “extremely active,” with the highest number of hurricanes ever forecasted since the team released predictions in 1995. As we brace for potentially devastating storms, the impact on critical infrastructure, including power systems, becomes a top concern.

The Challenge: Power Interruptions During Hurricanes

During hurricane events, the occurrence of power outages is a widespread and anticipated consequence. Vital institutions such as hospitals, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and various other essential services heavily depend on a continuous and uninterrupted supply of electricity to fulfill their critical functions. Any disruptions in this supply chain can result in severe repercussions, impacting crucial areas such as patient care, emergency response times, and overall public safety. As the Atlantic basin braces itself for an unprecedented hurricane season, the urgency of devising and implementing resilient solutions becomes increasingly paramount to mitigate potential damages and safeguard communities.

Solar Power as a Resilient Solution

Maxeon Solar Technologies, a global leader in solar innovation, believes solar power systems can be crucial in maintaining energy flow during extreme weather events. Their solar panels, designed for resilience and reliability, offer a lifeline when traditional power grids fail. One of Maxeon’s commercial partners, Salt Energy, has taken this concept to heart.

Salt Energy’s Hurricane-Resistant Solar Systems

Based in Florida, Salt Energy specializes in designing and installing commercial and community solar systems. Their secret weapon? Maxeon panels are engineered with hurricane resistance in mind. These panels can withstand wind loads of up to 180 mph, ensuring they remain operational despite extreme weather conditions.

David Kaul, Vice President of Salt Energy, emphasizes the importance of designing for remote and harsh environments. The Caribbean region, known for its corrosive coastal conditions and high-velocity hurricane zones, demands solar solutions that can endure the worst Mother Nature throws their way. Maxeon panels fit the bill, providing unmatched reliability, performance, and durability.

Three projects that have received awards stand out as prime examples of commercial and micro-grid installations that excel in delivering resilient energy production, specifically designed by Salt Energy with the implementation of Maxeon panels.

  • On the island of Montserrat, a comprehensive system that earned a CREF Award for Best Distributed Generation Project includes a 750 KW-AC PV field on five acres, with battery storage, 11.4 KV grid connection and rooftop PV rated 180 mph exposure category D. This renewable energy plant with batteries replaces diesel generator power and reduces spinning reserve requirements, leading to substantial savings throughout the year.
  • Badia Spices installed 7,200 Maxeon 450-watt modules at their facility in Miami, Florida. This 3.24 MWp installation is the largest private solar project and the largest commercial rooftop project in the state. This Solar Builder Magazine Project of the Year award winner has a design wind load of 175 mph, exposure C. It provides all the energy for the air condition loads, production loads, and warehouse operations for this 300,000 square foot facility, saving more than $400,000 in utility costs each year.
  • The solar installation on Ragged Island, Bahamas earned a CREF Award for Best Energy Resilience Project and was also featured in an episode of the "60 Minutes" TV program. It features a 400KWp PV field, battery storage and 12.47 KV grid connection, rated 180 mph, exposure D. This solar microgrid provides over 95% of the energy needs of Ragged Island, often allowing diesel-powered generators to be turned off for weeks at a time.

The CSU Tropical Weather and Climate team forecasts an active Atlantic hurricane season, spanning from June 1 to Nov. 30, with 23 named storms anticipated. Among these, eleven are predicted to intensify into hurricanes, while five may escalate to major hurricane status, characterized by sustained winds exceeding 111 miles per hour. Their predictions rely on a blend of statistical models and data from various global weather agencies, analyzing factors such as Atlantic Sea surface temperatures, atmospheric pressure, wind shear levels, El Niño patterns, and historical hurricane seasons spanning 25-40 years.

Environment + Energy Leader