Deep Sky, Carbyon Pilot Carbon Removal System in Canada


Deep Sky is partnering with Carbyon to pilot two of the company’s carbon-removing air processing units, each able to remove 50 tons of carbon a year from the atmosphere.

Deep Sky will operate the two Carbyon units at its labs innovation facility in Québec, where the companies will monitor the performance of the air processing units to validate the technology for later commercialization in Canada. Carbyon, which is based in the Netherlands, said it aims to achieve a cost-per-ton of carbon below $107 through its modular carbon removal system.

Carbyon’s technology uses a “fast swinging” process which uses a sorbent material to efficiently capture carbon from the air. The process lowers energy consumption and allows for scaling of low-cost machines by using ultra-short adsorption and desorption cycles. While most carbon-removing materials require hours to capture carbon from the air, this process may reportedly do so within minutes.

“One of the many criteria that makes Carbyon stand out is the affordability and small footprint of its Air Processing Units,” said Damien Steel, CEO of Deep Sky. “Its ultra-fast sorbent process increases CO2 capacity, decreases cost and energy consumption, ultimately producing a smaller unit which can be more easily transported and takes up less space to deploy. As a project developer sourcing units from around the world to produce the highest quality carbon credits for our customers, Carbyon was a natural choice.”

Deep Sky Works To Scale-Up Carbon Removal to Gigaton Levels

Although carbon removal technologies are being developed across the world, they have not yet been able to capture carbon at the massive levels required to meet global emissions targets. Deep Sky, reportedly the world’s first gigaton-scale carbon removal company, has made several partnerships with both direct air capture and ocean capture developers to eventually create large-scale carbon capture facilities.

Deep Sky emphasizes the growing gap between demand for carbon capture and currently available supply. Especially as carbon markets experience rapid growth, Deep Sky is working to scale up carbon capture and storage technologies through a variety of systems, aiming to make Canada a world leader in the carbon removal market.

The company claims that Canada offers an ideal location for carbon capture as its natural resources provide renewable energy to allow for emissions-free carbon removal, and its geological formations provide suitable locations for long-term carbon storage. Deep Sky has been building geological storage sites within volcanic rock and saline aquifers, both of which may reportedly offer a storage option without harmful byproducts or potential leakage.


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