Biden's Climate Agenda in Action: $7 Billion Solar Grants Announced


The Biden-Harris Administration has announced a significant initiative to address energy inequality and advance environmental justice across America. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed that 60 recipients were selected to receive $7 billion in grants through the Solar for All program. This program, funded by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, seeks to deliver residential solar projects to over 900,000 households nationwide.

Input From Government Agencies

EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan highlighted the initiative’s importance, “Today we’re delivering on President Biden’s promise that no community is left behind by investing $7 billion in solar energy projects for over 900,000 households in low-income and disadvantaged communities.” He emphasized the program’s multifaceted benefits, including job creation, energy-saving savings, cleaner air, and progress toward combating climate change.

This initiative is not merely about installing solar panels but empowering communities. By providing affordable solar energy, households can reduce monthly utility bills, decrease air pollution, and build resilience against climate change impacts. US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman expressed, “Residential solar electricity leads to reduced monthly utility bills, reduced levels of air pollution in neighborhoods, and ultimately healthier communities, but too often low-income and disadvantaged communities have been left out. Today’s announcement will invest billions to ensure that affordable housing across the US can access solar and increase energy efficiency and climate resilience.”

The program aligns with the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to creating high-quality jobs with equitable opportunities. US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm stated, “DOE is proud to work alongside our partners at EPA and across the Federal government to help communities access the limitless energy of the sun to light their homes and power their businesses.” Additionally, Senator Bernie Sanders emphasized the economic and environmental benefits, stating, “The Solar for All program... will not only combat the existential threat of climate change by making solar energy available to working-class families but it will also substantially lower the electric bills of Americans and create thousands of good-paying jobs.”

Solar for All

The Solar for All program, part of President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative, aims to ensure that 40% of the benefits from federal climate and clean energy investments go to marginalized communities. All funds from the program will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged areas, aligning with the goal of achieving a carbon-free power sector by 2035.

The initiative will expand existing low-income solar programs and launch new ones, benefiting households in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and territories, including Tribes. Selected applicants will receive grants and low-cost financing to overcome financial barriers and will also be supported in addressing other obstacles like siting and permitting. The program's objectives include reducing climate and air pollution, benefiting low-income communities, and mobilizing financing for affordable solar energy. It will introduce new solar programs in at least 25 states and territories, thereby opening up new markets for residential solar in underserved areas.

The selection of the 60 grant recipients involved a rigorous competition review process, ensuring transparency, expertise, and adherence to program requirements. Awards are expected to be finalized in the summer of 2024, with selected applicants commencing projects later in the year.

Environment + Energy Leader