Salient Predictions Receives NOAA Grant to Revolutionize Water Availability Forecasting


Salient Predictions, a trailblazer in weather forecasting analytics, has secured a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant.This grant aims to transform water availability forecasting, providing forecasts spanning an impressive two to 52 weeks ahead. The project's primary focus lies in the expansive agricultural heartland of Central Valley, California. Through its Phase I initiative, Salient Predictions seeks to bolster predictions of subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) water availability. This advancement promises to empower communities to more effectively manage resources amidst the escalating threats posed by natural disasters like floods and droughts.

Pioneering Water Availability Forecasting

In a world grappling with the consequences of global warming, the water cycle has intensified, leading to prolonged droughts and more intense rainfall events. These extreme weather patterns are now directly threatening agricultural production and hydropower generation.

Ray Schmitt, President and co-founder of Salient Predictions, emphasizes the urgency of the situation, stating, "Salient produces more accurate temperature and rainfall predictions at longer lead times than traditional government sources."

Salient's approach aims to integrate its advanced forecasts with a high-resolution hydrologic model. This model estimates critical factors such as soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and stream flow.

The result? Long-range estimates of water availability for both crops and reservoirs. This integration will enable farmers and hydropower operators to make more informed decisions while navigating the growing unpredictability and volatility of weather.

Bridging the Data Gap

One of the primary challenges facing current hydrological models is their reliance on historical data that no longer accurately represents the changing climate. Government forecast models, while valuable, are only precise for approximately two weeks.

Salient's innovative S2S forecast technology leverages artificial intelligence, incorporating a wide range of oceanic, atmospheric, and land-based variables. This approach promises to deliver unparalleled levels of reliability and predictability, extending weather forecasts up to a year in advance. The technology itself has evolved from decades of dedicated research at institutions such as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Dr. Genevieve Lind, SBIR Program Manager at NOAA, underscores the critical need for enhanced predictive capabilities related to water availability. "Salient's proposed technology for enhancing water forecasts aligns with NOAA's mission to improve our knowledge and management of water resources in a changing climate," she states. This NOAA grant represents a crucial step toward achieving that vision.


Salient Predictions' receipt of the NOAA SBIR grant signifies a significant milestone in the realm of water availability forecasting. Innovative approaches like Salient's are essential for safeguarding agricultural production and ensuring the sustainable use of hydropower resources. With its commitment to precision and its integration of cutting-edge technology, Salient Predictions is poised to make lasting contributions in the field of weather forecasting and resource management.

Environment + Energy Leader