Organic Valley Launches National Clean Energy Fund to Promote Regenerative Farming, Renewable Energy


(Credit: Pixabay)

Organic Valley is partnering with Clean Energy Credit Union to launch the Powering the Good Loan Fund to provide the best loan terms for farmers seeking to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels with renewable energy and efficiencies. The program is first of its kind for both cooperatives, pioneering a unique clean energy loan fund for over 1,700 farmers across the country.

To accelerate energy improvements, Organic Valley and Clean Energy CU will roll out a $1 million fund with plans to expand. As the nation's largest organic, farmer-owned cooperative, Organic Valley pulls carbon out of the air through regenerative practices like rotational grazing, while also working to reduce carbon emitted wherever possible.

Organic Valley says the company is focused on a whole systems approach to renewable energy. The company is providing farmers a means to reduce their energy costs and become more self-sufficient and sustainable. Farmers who participate in this loan fund contribute to a healthy, regenerative future for the next generation, Organic Valley says.

Loans supplied to Organic Valley farmers through Clean Energy CU will be used for:

-- Solar electric systems to offset farm energy consumption.

-- Farm energy efficiency improvements such as plate coolers, VFDs, LED lighting, insulation, ventilation and more.

-- Geothermal systems and ground-source heat pumps for farm heating and cooling.

The two cooperatives are experienced with advancing renewable energy and are now combining forces to accelerate renewable energy installations on farms across rural America.

Environment + Energy Leader