How to Turn Agricultural Waste into Sustainable Detergent


P&G DuPontDuPont and Procter & Gamble are collaborating to use cellulosic ethanol in North American Tide laundry detergent.

Tide Cold Water will be the first brand in the world to blend cellulosic ethanol in a scalable and commercial way, the companies say.

Ethanol has long been a key ingredient in the Tide formulation, allowing for stability of the detergent formula and better washing performance. The new product will substitute the current corn-based ethanol with cellulosic.

DuPont will produce this renewable, cellulosic ethanol at its new biorefinery, currently under construction in Nevada, Iowa. Once completed, the plant will be the world’s largest bioethanol refinery, producing 30 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol per year — a process with zero net carbon emissions.

Tide Cold Water “powered by nature” will re-purpose more than 7,000 tons of agricultural waste a year, the companies say.

Earlier this year, P&G agreed in a California court to reduce the levels of the chemical 1,4 dioxane in its laundry products. The EPA calls the chemical a “probably human carcinogen.”

Environment + Energy Leader